Wheelchairs In Chilliwack
Used Wheelchairs In Chilliwack
For people who are unable to walk, have reached seniorhood, are physically disabled or have suffered physical injury, the opportunity to become more mobile and independent and mobile can be life changing. You may select from our used wheelchairs in Chilliwack for special purposes, one can be selected to fit your needs.
Power Wheelchair In Chilliwack
Using a powered wheelchair offers mobility-challenged users the confidence to be independent, because they are able to get around on their own. Our power wheelchair in Chilliwack ensures the controls are simple enough for ease of use.
Tilt Wheelchair In Chilliwack
Comfort can really make a difference to the lives of people with mobility problems and is mainly felt in our selection of tilt wheelchair in Chilliwack. Providing the highest adaptability and functionality, our multifunctional Chilliwack wheelchairs can be easily customized to individual needs - for unmatched seating comfort and enhanced independence in everyday life.
Consult Us Today
There are many causes of limited mobility: arthritis, surgery, injuries, disease, and chronic pain. All of these problems can lead to difficulties walking and sometimes they can cause a person to lose all leg function. Many people who do suffer from these problems, however, still want to move their body as much as possible.
When the pains start, even simple things like walking short distances are hindered because the muscles and bones are rendered useless. The Travel Buggy gives back this control to the users and speed things up for them.
Someone with limited mobility, that loves being outside, would benefit greatly by purchasing this type of wheelchair.
Are power wheelchairs easy to use?
Power wheelchairs are controlled by a device known as an access control or drive control. There are different kinds of drive controls which are prescribed depending on the user's level of function, making them easy to use.
Is the Travel Buggy expensive?
For those who are suffering from a temporary physical setback or have permanently lost their mobility, investing in the Travel Buggy can undoubtedly change their lives for the better. Affordable pricing starts at $3599.00
Speed options
Our wheelchairs are great mobility equipment because they simply make movements and accomplish things faster. Most handicapped users appreciate this benefit because they have already experienced the burden of having aches or spasms in their muscles or joints which prevented or totally stopped them from moving and this slowed down whatever they were doing or about to do.
This is the prime reason why electric wheelchairs are used. Having a mobility wheelchair allows for a handicapped or disabled person to regain a little of his independence and move and roam about. This helps them get around, socialize again, and get to experience the outside world too without exerting too much effort or no effort at all in moving the wheelchair.
Be sure to contact us at Wheelchair Works to help you choose the best and exceptional mobility equipment for you!